Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sex and the City: The Movie (Michael Patrick King, 2008) C+

Having never seen an episode of the TV series, I wasn't quite sure what to expect from Sex and the City: The Movie. My friend Jill, knowing my love of juicy, bitchy TV shows like Gossip Girl, The Golden Girls and Desperate Housewives and Jennifer Hudson, told me I would enjoy it, so off we went to the theater. I'm not going to say that I didn't enjoy the film, because I did, but I don't really think it was a great film. There were some great one-liners- especially from Kim Cattrall's Samantha- and all four ladies were in fine comic form, but something just didn't click for me. The melodramatic tendencies at certain points were a little overdone and felt a bit forced to stretch out the run time. The film didn't feel too long to me until the last 20 minutes when I realized that I had been sitting there for two hours and the ending didn't feel any closer than it had 30 minutes ago. Jennifer Hudson, as Carrie's assistant Louise from St. Louis, proved that Dreamgirls wasn't a fluke. Her character wasn't anything special, but she added personality and pizzazz to the role to make it sparkle. Hudson knows how to work a camera and has the raw talent and appeal; give her a couple years and she'll mature even further into an accomplished actress- all she needs is experience. I'm glad that films about mature funny women are making a ton of money, proving to Hollywood that there is an audience for films like these, I just wish it was a better film to praise. Seeing this film totally made me wish someone would make The Golden Girls: The Movie. Now that would be a cinematic experience aimed at the same demographic (and who wouldn't pay $10 to see that reunion?)

P.S. I'm totally a Miranda.

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